Old Age Makeup Pt 2 & Hair !!
Today we learned how to make our own original hair appliances! First, I tested the latex and spirit gum on my forearm to make sure I didn't have any reactions. Next, I chose orange wool and white wool and separated in into clumps. Then, we worked the clumps together to combine the colors to make it look like a brand new combined color. After, I laid down a sheet protector over the eyebrow and mustache shapes then laid the material on top. I added a thin layer of latex, let it dry, then pulled wool with my palate knife and layering them on top.
I added latex then more wool and kept repeating this process.
This was the finished product that I left to dry!
In my second attempt at Old Age Makeup, I paid more attention to where my natural wrinkle lines where on my face and applied my shadow and highlight. I think it looks a lot better this time!
Then I blended shadow down and highlight up.
After that, I cut out my mustache and eyebrows from the material.
Lastly, we applied spirit gum to the back of the hair appliances, waited until they were tacky, and pressed them onto my face. Next time I'm going to add more dark hair to the bottom right eyebrow so it looks more realistic. This is the completed look!
Photo courtesy of the great Lynne Williams :)
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